However, it was worth it since working on the amiga wasn’t a good choice for their projects, especially because they had to render the wireframe (which was very time-consuming). This computer cost them about $60,000 which was a big portion of their profits at the time. The real work for Neo Geo started in 1991 when they bought their first big silicon graphics computer which was capable of doing real-time wireframe and solids. Neo-Geo started in a studio in Eindhoven in the Netherlands, they launched the studio with a business partner and they got 7 employees doing computer graphics work. It was actually on the market from 1990 to 2004 so basically Ton Roosendaal company was the first that had the name. On the other side of the world in Japan, Neo Geo was also known as a family of video game hardware consoles developed by SNK. A lot of people refer to it as the very first pillar in the history of Blender 3D as we know it today. In 1988, when he was 29 years old Ton Roosendaal co-founded the Dutch animation studio called NeoGeo.

The ultimate goal was to work as a full-time computer graphics designer, and to do 3D animation.

So he decided to start a company and build the financial base to buy better and more reliable computers. Ton was a talented man with many different skills who had a passion for computer graphics. He originally wanted to be an architect, but he later studied industrial design because he wanted to do something creative and technical in the same time. It all started with the story of an ambitious young man called Ton Roosendaal.

The history of Blender 3D is one to look up to The journey was filled with successes and failures but it is the thing that took it from nothingness to greatness. Because it went through an interesting journey like no other, and the least we can say about it is that it was long and difficult since it almost died at some point in its path of what it became today.
The history of Blender 3D can be easily described as one of a kind, since it’s one of the best 3D software today but it wasn’t always the case.