
Phpstorm format code psr
Phpstorm format code psr

phpstorm format code psr

I recommend to put the Starterkit/your project under version control. This will add the package to your global. Open a terminal and type the following command: composer global require friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer


It's totally up to you, but we will install it globally in this recipe to make our lives easier. PHP CS Fixer can be installed both globally or locally in your project.

phpstorm format code psr

Symfony's PHP Coding Standards Fixer is widely used, has many configuration options and dedicated plugins for VS Code, PHPStorm, Sublime Text and a few more IDEs. Let's start with installing these tools one after the other via Composer. Check it out if this sounds interesting to you, we won't cover it here. It lets us combine the rules of the two tools mentioned above, which can be very useful in certain situations. While doing research for this recipe, I also found another interesting tool, Easy Coding Standard. I will skip IDE-specific plugins and concentrate on tools which can be used IDE-independently and which also allow us to automate things in the long run. Time we could spend programming or enjoying or lives, and this is where helpful tools come in that do this job for us. However, old habits die hard (especially when working in different contexts), and if we had to fix every violation manually, it would be very frustrating and a big waste of time. Either way, the most important thing is that you agree on rules and find ways to enforce them. While there are good reasons to adhere to an official standard, you may agree to deviate from these "official" standards and implement your own. It is worth noting that in addition to those mentioned above there are other standards like PEAR or Zend. Since the PSR guidelines don't specify rules for all situations, frameworks like Symfony or Laravel or Kirby usually add their own rules on top.


It does so by enumerating a shared set of rules and expectations about how to format PHP code. …the intent of this specification is to reduce cognitive friction when scanning code from different authors. The introduction to the PSR-12 standard states its intention like this: All major PHP frameworks have adopted these standards as a basis, and the Kirby core code is also based on PSR-12. It has superseded the former PSR-2 standard. At the time of writing, PSR-12 is the current recommended coding style standard. Over the years, variations of the basic PSR-1 standard have evolved. The FIG (Framework Interoperability Group) is an organisation that defines basic standards for PHP code, the PSR guidelines. Let's briefly introduce some PHP coding standards. While the focus of this recipe is on PHP and tools for automating this for PHP, the same approach can be applied to other programming languages in your tech stack. The good new is: Once you have you tool of choice set up, you can easily unify your complete code base with a single command. For the sake of code readability, it pays to compromise. When working in a team, the hardest part is probably to get everyone to agree on a common standard and then stick to it, even if you don't agree with all your team's decisions. Increased likelihood of introducing errors as a result.Higher cognitive load when trying to understand such code.The disadvantages of mixing different coding styles (leaving aesthetics aside) are obvious: I've seen it all to often: you quickly end up with hideous and messy code. Just imagine multiple developers working on the same code base, and everyone using their own style preferences: Some use spaces for indentation some tabs, some prefer long form arrays some short form, some name their variables and functions using snake_case, some use camelCase, some prefer Yoda style comparisons, some don't. If you're the only person writing code or writing for yourself, this may not be a big deal, but if you want to share your code with the world, or you are collaborating in a team, adhering to coding standards becomes increasingly important. Why are coding (style) standards important? you can navigate to a folder and execute commands). I also assume that you are familiar with using a terminal (i.e. Optional: Git for version control (if you put the Starterkit/your test project under version control, you can easily undo all changes we introduce in the following).The IDE related parts will cover VS Code and PHPStorm, if you don't use any of these, just skip those parts.Composer installed on your machine (or in a Docker container).

phpstorm format code psr

You can also use your own project or plugin. If you want to follow along with this recipe, make sure you have:

Phpstorm format code psr